My Own Makeover

Believe it or not, when I was young  I was a tomboy.  I climbed trees, ran through creeks and played in the woods.  It wasn’t until I was a tween, that I really became interested in makeup and clothes.  In my late teens, I started working in retail and really began being interested in helping people to choose outfits that were flattering on them, not just making a sale. After I had my first child, I felt a little lost.  I had a little trouble getting back to my pre baby weight and didn’t feel very pretty.




















It wasn’t fun feeling outside of myself.  Fashion and makeup didn’t seem to be an option for me as a mom.  After all isn’t your child supposed to be a priority?  But then, I realized that if I didn’t believe it was good for me to look and feel great about myself, what would I be passing on to my daughter?

I went back to work when Katana was 6 months old.  Slowly but surely my confidence began to return.  I had my second daughter two years later.  The spark  was lit again.  I was evolving.  My beliefs about who I was as a mom and a woman were changing.  I realized I could be a glamourous mom without taking anything away from my children.






























So here I am after my son when I was working with a personal trainer and had a tummy tuck. I work out at least 2-3 times a week and eat as well as I can since I am on the go a lot.  The transformation started on the inside.  When I fully believed it, my outside reflected my inner change.










So take heart moms. There is a diva inside that new body, that is just bursting to get out.  Give her permission to be free.